spicy foods eaten during pregnancy can burn the baby eyes know about myths and facts

spicy foods eaten during pregnancy can burn the baby eyes know about myths and facts

There are many myths in our society regarding pregnancy. For example, ghee should be eaten during pregnancy, it makes the child normal. On the other hand, there is also a myth that one should not eat spicy food during pregnancy because it causes irritation in the eyes of the child. That means it has a bad effect on the child. Today we ABP Live Hindi have started a series on ‘Myth vs Facts’. Through this series, all the myths in the society regarding pregnancy have been dispelled. We will try to answer in a logical manner what people follow considering it to be true.

We raise such issues in the ‘Myth vs Facts’ series. Let’s try to get to the bottom of it. Which is often used by people in colloquial language. For example, in our society there are many things related to pregnancy which doctors consider as myths. Through this Myth VS Truth series, we will present such things with facts to the general public. So that you do not get trapped in the quagmire of conservative falsehoods.

Does eating spicy food cause irritation in child’s eyes?

The myth also states that spicy food eaten during pregnancy can burn the baby’s eyes, leading to blindness. Eating spicy food can cause miscarriage and labor pain. However, some people may find this to be completely false. But this is not true at all. However, spicy food can increase the risk of heartburn in a pregnant woman. If we are to believe another old saying, frequent heartburn during pregnancy could mean that the baby will be born full of hair.

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It is a myth that eating spicy food during pregnancy can burn the baby’s eyes or cause blindness. In fact eating spicy food is safe for the fetus. Following are some other myths about eating spicy food during pregnancy. Spicy food can cause miscarriage and spicy food can induce labour.

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The only reason to avoid spicy food during pregnancy is that it causes heartburn. However, there are no studies that specifically look at spicy food. A study has found that eating certain foods during pregnancy can change the taste of amniotic fluid. This can affect your baby’s taste buds, and they may prefer certain tastes later in life.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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